Dominica Davis’ noon forecast for Thursday, June 28
The tri-state area is bracing for another heat wave a week after stifling humidity and temperatures in the mid-90s baked the region for the first time this year.
Temperatures capped at 88 degrees in Central Park Thursday with little humidity. They're expected to surge into the muggy mid-90s Friday, Saturday and Sunday, meteorologists say.
An excessive heat watch is already in effect in southern New Jersey, and the Westchester County Health Department has issued a heat advisory. As temps climb, forecasters expect the watches and warnings to expand to more of the tri-state.
The heat wave is expected to officially begin Friday, with a few isolated morning storms giving way to a steamy 94 degrees and mostly sunny skies.

That trend continues Saturday and Sunday, with highs in the mid-90s, before slowly petering out early next week as strong to severe storms Monday afternoon break the heat by Tuesday.
Temperatures blazed across the metropolitan area last week, sending children to sprinklers as authorities urged people working outdoors to drink plenty of water and stay in the shade.
The sweltering weather was also blamed for the death of an 81-year-old man. The official cause of death for the unidentified Queens man was "hyperthermia due to environmental exposure with underlying conditions."
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